Enewetak Advisory Group


May 15, 1978

I cannot finalize the agenda until the week of May 29, when I return
from the ICRP meeting.
In addition to the Advisory Group, Hal, Tommy, and possibly Joe, participants
in the Livermore meeting would include Vic Noshkin, Bill Robison and
anyone else presenting information on item 1, 2, 4, and 7.

Tommy is contacting you relative to the date and is working with Vic
Noshkin on hotel and meeting rooms.

With best regards,

W. J. Bair, Ph.D.

Environment, Health, and

Safety Research Program


P.S. The order in which the items will appear on the agenda depends

upon Hal Hollister's availability.
If Hal can be in Livermore
only part of the time we'll] cover items 1, 2, 3, 9, and 10 when
he is there.


Joe Deal

Hal Hollister
Tommy McCraw

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