ING. UPTON, Lit, N.Y. 11973




TELEPHONE: (516) 345-

July 25, 1973
Miss Virginta Bredine

Consulting Editor, Envitornment

438 North Skinker Blvd.
St. Louis, Mo. 63130
Dear Miss Brodine:

I can partly answer some of the questions of your letter of July 20

and must refer you elsewhere for other answers.

There were 28 American servicemen (mostly Army) exposed on
‘“Rongerik Atoll as a result of the fallout accident March 1, 1954. They
were exposed to a dose of about 69R of gamma radiation, This compares
with a dose of about 175R received by the Rongelap people. This lower

dose is due to the fact that there was less fallout on Rongerik and also
because of the precautions the servicemen took they received less
absorption of radioactive nuclides.
The immediate effects were studied

by our medical team headed by Dr. E. P. Cronkite, now Chairman of the


Medical Department here,

At that time this was largely a Navy group of

doctors under auspices of the AEC. The early effects consisted of
slight lowering of the periphereal blood elements and very slight "beta"

skin burns in a few of these men,
There was rapid recovery from these
There was no radiation sickness or ther illness observed in
this group that could be related to radiation exposure.
See "Some
Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Human Beings," edited by E. P. Cronkite,

V. P. Bond and C. L. Dunham, TID 5358, July, 1956, U. S. Government Printing

Office, Washington, D. C.
After about two months of examinations by our
. team the men were taken to Hawaii where further examinations were conducted at Tripler Army Hospital under the direction of Col, James

Brennan (MC) USA,

I understand these men were later returned to their duty stations
or to their homes when mustered out of the service.
I do not have
information on follow-up examinations of these men and I suggest that

if you wish further information about this you contact the Office ofthe Surgeon General, Department of the Army.

With regard to the information concerning the possible exposure of

other service or AEC personnel connected with the testing program, I
suggest you write the Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research,

Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D. C.



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