given field reading corresponding to the sample area for all other

samples is entirely unknown, With the available data and in view of the
gemple treatment from recovery to analysis, the following values were
gelected as a eet of reasonadle values for the radiation field to sur~

face density ratio:

(1) Coral (ratio of r/hr at 1 br to mg coral per

aq ft); Shot 1 - 0.04, Shot 2 = 25, Shot 3 - 0.05, (2) Sea water (ratio

of r/hr at 1 hr to wl sea water per sq ft); Shot 2 - 20, Shot 3 - 200,

Shot 4 - 10, (3) Device Components (ratio of r/hr at 1 hr to fraction of

device per 69 ft); Shot 1 ~ 20 x 1ol4, snot 2 - 25 x 1012, shot 3 -

3x 1012, Shot 4 - 50x 1012, The constancy of these values should serve
as a means of testing the reliability of sampling methods, testing the
reliability of the component analysis for tracing fallout components, and,

in the absence of a redicactive component (fission product surface den-

sity data), to furnish a guide as to the radiation field associated with

a given surface density of debris material.


Select target paragraph3