

Analyses of the beckground components, sea water and coral, are
sumarized in Table 3.15. The sea water analysis is compared to that

given by Sverdrup.20/ The ratio of Cl to the other elements given by

Sverdrup was used as the sea water component composition in reducing the

data. Ratio values of 1.05 x 10-6 for Fe and 5.3 x 1077 for Cu were
used in the calculations. The coral analyses for sites Charlie and Tare
are averages of three samples each of surface coral furnished by Holmes
ard Narver, Inc. Al) samples did not give identical analyses; and since

they were surface samples, further differences in the ratio of Ca to

other elements could have occurred in the fallout coral itself. These
analyses, however, were taken as being the best estimate available of

the coral component composition.
The physical measurements made on the fallout samples are given
in Table 3.16. The fraction of a sampler bottle analyzed was occasion-

ally greater than one when the fallout from more than one bottle was

combined. In other casee funnel rinsings were added to the sample so
that the fraction is not always the direct ratio of column 1 in Table

3.16 to the total sample as given in Section 3.1.

The concentration analyses of the liquid and solid fractions are

given in Tables 3.17 and 3.18. In the cases where the samples were
slurries or mixtures of liquid and solid, the comparison of the concentration of the various eloments in each phase with those in Table 3.15

for the sea water and coral elements were used to show something about
the history of the samples, For example, the consistent high values for

1-250,25 (liquid fraction) indicate evaporation of sea water,

This was

the case for other samples from Shot 1 where the sample bottles could
not be securely sealed, the caps having been destroyed by fire on site
The concentration analyses of the two fractions were combined for
a@ component analysis of each semple as shown in Table 3.19. The usual
procedure was to use the Na and Cl analyses ae a basis for the sea water

component; when small amounts of Cl were found the Na value was used.
After correcting for corel Na, the sea water Na and Cl were recalculated.
The ratio values of Table 3.15 were then used to estimate the remaining
elements in the sample contributed by sea water. Using the remaining

Ca as coral Ca, the ratio values of Table 3.15 for coral were used to

estimate the remaining elements as contributed to the fallout from coral.
The remainders are attributed as being the contributica of the deviceproducts to the fallout. In most cases positive amounts of Mg remained;

this may be due to poor sampling of the background coral (surface coral
may not be representstive of all the coral thrown up by the detonation).
In all cases, excepting one, positive remainders for Fe, Al, and Cu

were found.

For Shot 1, the island station samples (1-251 series) which

contained no liquid were used as 4 qualitative guide for determining the
nature of the fallout. None of these samples show the presence of sea
water; the Na remainder after taking out the corel is negative more often
than it is positive.

The high coral content of many of the island sta-

surface-level pits,

The lagoon samples were known to be rinsed together

tion samples was undoubtedly due to drifting of coral particles into the

Select target paragraph3