Chemical, physical, and rediochemical neasuremente were nade on
the fallout samples collected at lagoon, island, and sea stations.

Short lived radinactive species were analyzed in the forward area; the
remainder of the analyses were made at U.S. Naval Radiological Defense
Laborstory. Owing to many unforeseen difficulties early samples for
the rediochemical analyses were not obtained, although early decay data
were obtained from several shots. The number of samples collected was

much smaller than planned.

However, it was possible to get considerable

information concerning 911 planned phases except those involving very
short lived radioisotopes.



To investigate the chemical, physical, and radiochemical properties cf the fallout the following determinations were undertaken:

a, Amounts of radioactivity in soluble (ionic), colloidal, and

insoluble fractions.

b. Concentration of macro constituents, primarily the elements
which occur naturally in coral and sea water, but also the elements

present in large amounts in the weapon assembly and associated equipmente
c. Oxidation state of certain radionuclides whose final state
under the conditions of the detonation could not be predicted, and whose
contamination-decontamination behavior is believed to depend upon their
oxidation state.
d. Size distributions of fallout drope and particles, and the
variation of these distributions throughout the sampling array.
6. Specific radioactivities and salt content of various particle
and drop size fractions in fallout.

Chemical and crystalline composition of individusl particles.

g. Size distributions and presence of radioactivity in both
liquid and dry aerosol particles; presence of salt ir liquid aerosol
h. Radiochemical composition of fallout, especially determination
of the fission yield curve and the degree cf chemical fractionation
among the fission products.


Select target paragraph3