
Much of the water condensed in the cloud gathering additional

bomb products.

As the particles fell they probably changed their con-

position through reactions with atmospheric constituents, Their exact
nature at the time of arrival at the earth's surface is not know. The

measurements of the aerosols collected on the YAG's indicated small solid
particles and larger liquid droplets, Results of the decontamination

studies of the YaG's (Project 6.4) and special panels (Project 6.5) could

be explained best by assuming a contaminant whose constituent radionuclides
were largely in the ionic form, The gross fallout samples had little

solid matter,

In fact, the fallout was invisible both in the air and on

the surfaces where it was deposited.
nuclides was water soluble,


A large fraction of the radio-




One of the factors neéded to estimate the radiological situation

in the fallout zone is the decay rate of the radiation field.

This was

determined by direct measurement on land areas wherever it was possible
in moderate radiation fields, In other instances, it was estimated from
measurements of the decay rates of samples collected in the areas of
interest. The observed beta and gamma decay rate curves compared well
with calculated curves based on the radiochemical composition of the
samples, There was little difference in the decay rates of fallout

samples collected at various distances after any single shot, This fact
showed that fractionation was unimportant in determining the gross decay
rate. Small variations were observed in the decay rates of samples from

different shots.

The decay rate changed considerably with time; at 60

days .after the induced activities had decayed to a negligible level,it

achieved a relatively constant value consistent with the t-1-2 law,

Radiochemical measurements on debris from detonations in CASTLE
gave information on the shape of the fission yield curve, on fission
product fractionations, on contributions of neutron induced radionuclides,
and on the fraction of bomb in fallout material.
The shape of the fission yield curve from these detonations was
altered in respect to that from thermal neutron fission of 0°35, The
valley of the curve was raised by a factor of about 20 while the heavy
wing was raised by a factor of about 6 at mass 156, Fractionation of
several fission products was found to occur. That of cr89 was the most
extensive among the limited mumber of elements which could be studied.

Neutron induced radionuclides were demonstrated to be very important

contributors to the radioactive mixtures resulting from -he detonations,

Most important were 0239-Np739, 0240, and 0237; Na24 was only a minor

contributor, Ratios of amounts of the important induced radionuclides
to amounts of fission products showed that at certain times the uranium

and neptunium isotopes contributed as much as 50 per cent of the total

beta activity. Since the energy of the Np gammas is low as compared
with the average of those from fission products, its contribution to the
total radiation field is less than indicated by the beta ratio. Values
of fraction of the bomb falling out at certain locations were determined

of Project 2.5a.

These were useful in connection with the fallout studies


Select target paragraph3