in cloud material: Na and K were found to undergo extensive fractiona-

tion in JANGLE, 20/


The most important radionuclides produced by neutron reactions

in the device components are p739 , 0237, and 0240,

(9239 18 also

important but is too short-lived to have been seen in our measurements).

They were produced in sufficiently high yields to affect the gross decay

rates of the residual contamination and to contribute significantly to
the radiations from the contaminant,
5 e3edelL


To illustrate the extent to which these radionuclides contribute, their counting rates measured at the same shelf geometry and

corrected for chemical yield and decay are presented in Table 5.16.


order to allow comparisons of their acti
levels with those of fission
products, corrected counting rates for Mo”?
at the same shelf geometry
are also presented,
Conversion of the above relative counting rates to relative
numbers of atoms requires determination of counting efficienci
have been obtained for all of the above radionuclides except 7240, Consequently, there are presented in Table 5.17, for each sample, the number
of atoms of Npe39 and 0237
uced relative to the number of fissions
ocourring aa measured by Mo7’.

54 IN
Radiochemical methods can provide an accurate determination of the
fraction of the bomb included in fallout samples. The data required are
the total number of fissions occurring in the detonation and the number
of fissions giving the activity in the fallout sample. These determinations have been made bv radiochemical means, the first at Los Alamos

Scientific Laboratory,2Yand the second here.
5 ehel


Select target paragraph3