
The relative peak height description permitted a general

comparison of samples from different shots, from different locations for

a given shot, and for the same sample at various times after burst,


should be emphasized that the descriptive technique used here, namely,

analysis by relative peak height, is only a qualitative summary of the
important photon energies present and has no relation whatever to the
true photon-energy distribution of the radiation source,



Aluminum absorption measurements were made with absorbers ranging

in thickness from 0 to 3430 mg/sq cm.

Before plotting, the aluminun

absorber thickness was corrected for air and window thickness.


absorption measurements were taken with lead sandwiched between two
aluminum absorbers. The aluminum absorber next to the counter window

had a thickness of 1590 mg/sq cm and that just above the counting source
861 mg/sq cm. The lead absorbers ranged in thickness from 0 to 29,0

g/sq em, The absorption measurements were taken at various times after
detonation on one fallout sample from each of Shots 1 through 4.

Lead Absorption

A summary of gamma ray energies from the lead absorption
curves is given in Table 5.1C. These curves were analyzed into three

components which give the "apparent" gamma energies although it is

known that there are many different gammis contributing. The soft,
medium, and hard components were then used to compare different samples
with each other. The amount of each component was corrected by the

efficiency for the apparent energy.

The usual procedure of

analyzing absorption curves was used; tne "zero absorber" count rate
was determined by extrapolating the three lines on a semilog plot to
zero absorber thickness. The energy of each line was determined from
Pb half-thickness curves; this energy was used to determine, from Fig.
2.1, the component crystal efficiency which was, in turn, used to
weight the "zero absorber" count rate for each component to determine
the relative amount of that component,
From these data the following conclusions may be drawn:

(1) Between 0.3 and 26 daye there appeared to be no appreci-

able change in the energy of the soft gamma component, The average
energy for all soft gammas observed was 0.16 Mev with a maximum deviation



(2) Between 0.3 and 26 days there appeared to be no signifi-

cant change in the energy of the medium gamma component. The average
energy for all medium gammas observed was 0.37 Mev with a maximum deviation of 0.11 Mev.

(3) There were larger variations in the energies of the nard

gammas with respect to time especially for Shots 2 and 3. However, no
definite trend is apparent as may be seen from Table 5.11 where the hard
gamma component has been averaged for each shot, The over-all hard gamma
energy average was 1,3 Mev with a maximum deviation of 0.5 Mev.

(4) There appears to be no trend common to all shots for the

Select target paragraph3