contract the rubber hydrochloride to a smooth, taut surface, The backing and cover for the counting sample which were made of a very thin

file of low atomic weight materials reduced self-absorption and backscattering of the beta rays to a minimum. On Shot 1 the beta counting
eamples were prepared in glass planchete because of the large amount of
solide, these samples were quite thick so that those beta decay data

for Shot 1 were subject to considerable self-absorption of the soft

componente ,

Gamma counting samples were prepared in glass planchets 1 in. od.
from the same solutions as the beta sources, After drying, the sazple

was coated lightly with Krylon.

5.1.2 Desay
Beta and gamma decay measurements were taken of all fallout san-

ples received and processed by the field laboratory for Shots 1 through

4, to check for gross fractionation in the fallout,
The gross beta decay of the fallout samples from Shots 1 through
4 are given in Table 5.1 and are plotted in Fig. 5.1. The groes ganm
decay data are given in Table 5.2, and are plotted in Fig. 5.2. The
relative count in each case was normalized to the number given in parentheses at + 10 days.


The gross bete and gamma decay data are average values of all

the fallout samples received at the site laboratory (Chapter 3),


addition, some values for the gamma decay (later than 10 days) were

obtained from Project 2.5a as an average decay of five active particles

from gummed paper samples.

5ole2.2 Qhot
The early gamma decay wes taken on a gummed paper collector
exposed to fallout at Parry Island on shot day. Fallout arrived at
about 1800 to 1830 hr or + 12 hr after shot time. The sample, consisting
of a one sq ft folded paper did not prove suitable for beta decay measurements, The beta decay and gamma decay data from 3 days are an averaged
decay of all the fallout samples received at the site laboratory.

Dele2e3 Shot
The beta decay date and the gamma data are averaged values of
the decay of all the samples received at the site laboratory.


Beta decay was observed on a sample recovered aboard the YAG-39
(Project 6.4) at + 20 min. Gamma decay was started et +4.€ hr. Both

decays were initially observed on a GM counter, Due to the high background, high-counting samples were required. A ganma ionization decay


Select target paragraph3