that they confront in regards to the radiation and its effects.
6, Some years aso, the ERDA doctors discovered that a number of the Utiril

peoole had adult-onset diabetes, and said that 25%4 of the people had the
a) Why haven't the ERDA doctors piven medicine to the people who have the
disease in Utirik (medicine: Diabinase)?
b) Dr. Konrad Kotrady had asked the Trust Verratory Gov't. (in Hajuro) for

the medicine (Diabinase), and they refused to give him any for the

people of Utirik, and therefore, the people with this discase have not
been properly treated.

7e At present, the people of Utirik have much fear of the radiation that cane

from the bomb:


a) Therefore the people of Utirik feel the need to have someone come out

and do a study of Utirik for possible lingering radiation,

b) The peodle of Utirik feel that their arrovroot has becn damafred as a
result of the radiation.
At present the arrowroot stalks measure one

foot, whereas before the radiation they measured five fect.

AS you can see, the people of Utirik are very distressed and angry as a
result of the radiation. The people feel that the HRDA Program is in need of
vast changes.

‘Thank you very much,

— cc:

Robert A. Conard, H.D., ERDA
Repe Charles Dominak, Convress of Micronesia
Rep. Ataji Balos, Conyress of Micronesia
Sen. Olympia korja, Congress of licronesia

Diste Ad. Oscar Debrum, harshalls

Fred Zour,




Dapte of Mblerior (UG)
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