The island groups were evacuated two days after the accident and received
extensive medical examinations over a three months period.

The American

servicemen, who had been exposed at Rongerik Island, were then returned to
their duty stations and the people of Utirik Atoll were returned to their
home island.

Because Rongelap was too highly contaminated, the people were

moved to a temporary home (Majuro Atoll) until 1957, by which time radioactive
levels on Rongelap had become acceptable for habitation, a new village was
constructed for them and they were returned home (Fig. 2).

The low levels

of body burdens of radionuclides acquired by the people subsequent to their
return to Rongelap will be discussed in Chapter 11.


Characteristics of Fallout Material

The chemical and physical makeup as well as the radiation characteristics
of fallout will vary according to such conditions as the size of the weapon,
height of burst and type of terrain or soil over which the detonation occurs.
All fallout is particulate in nature, but the size, color and other characteristics
of the particle will depend to some extent upon the chemical and physical properties
of the soil.

In the Marshall Island accident where the nuclear device was detonated

near the ground, the fallout was a white powdery material largely composed of
incinerated coral.

The bulk of the radioactivity resided as insoluble oxides on

particles of CaO of Ca(OH)...

A large amount of activity was also carried on NaCcl

Aside from the radioactive component, the calcium oxide in the meter‘...

was in itself irritating to the skin due to its caustic nature.


Fallout produced

Select target paragraph3