
unexposed population was detected.

Fertility and Genetic Effects.

Based on birth rates, fertility

has been about equal in the exposed and unexposed populations.


about twice the number of miscarriages and stillbirths occurred in the
exposed. women during the first 4 years after exposure (417% or 13 of 32 pregnancies
in the exposed and 16% or 8 of 49 pregnancies in the unexposed women).


abnormalities do not appear to have been more numerous in the exposed group, though
no specific genetic studies have been carried out.

A low level of persisting

chromosomal aberrations of the lymphocytes of the peripheral blood of the
type induced by radiation have been noted at 10 years post exposure(Lisco
and Conard) ,(see Fig.


Cancer and Leukemia.

No leukemia has been detected.

The occurrence

of 3 cases of cancer in the exposed group(2 of the female genital tract and
1 of the thyroid gland) represents a higher incidence in the exposed group,
but due to the small numbers of people involved no correlation with radiation
exposure can be made at this time.

Lens Opacities.

Frequent slit-lamp observations have revealed no

opacities of the lens characteristic of radiation exposure.*



Some degree of atrophy and scarring persisting in skin

areas that had been more heavily irradiated have been noted (Fig.



at these sites revealed that none of the lesions were neoplastic or showed
alterations suggestive of a precancerous condition.

In a few cases increasing

numbers of pigmented maculae and moles have been noted in the areas of "beta
*Ophthaimological studies have been carried out by Colonel Austin Lowrey, MC USA, Ret


Select target paragraph3