E. @ “ngsworth
May 1972

Enroute returning from the Eniwetok visit, HV .



representatives while et Kwajalein Learned of
certain disquieting results of the survey .

Which had just been completed.


laboratory analysis had confirmed the presence

on Runit Island of pieces of either plutonium
metal or of another metal heavily contaminated


with plutonium.

A recommendation was therefore

originated on Kwajalein addressed to the host

agency (USAF SAMTEC) recommending that Runit
be quarantined until appropriate radiological
control actions could be taken.

For the most part the above actions have been taken without at least
specific Headquarters direction although they have been discussed
from time to time with the staff. However, at the present time it
seems appropriate to seek policy direction and to recommend certain
Washington level actions. Most fundamentally, there appears to be
no question that a cleanup and rehabilitation of Eniwetok will be
undertaken in the reasonably near future and that the AEC will have
an essential and vital role in the planning and execution of that

action. Jt would appear that the Commission's rolewouldbethe—

provisionof technical support,adviceandassistance to whatever

alkresponsibility. “Pending such assignment,
it_seemsclear,that ‘the.“AEC hasanobligation toadviseand assis t

gna we ceri oe


“from a radiological,standpoint’“anyagency\which is“pursuing a _

_legitimate’activity<at Eniwetok. NV.requiresGirection 3as to the
“extent_to whichthis.office“should.“continue. tot ke the “initiative

this regard.
wands Dhlelenescrigan eetiemremionn B


With a date certain established for the return of Eniwetok to the
Trust Territory, the time available for planning a cleanup hasnow
been fixed and is running. Beforeacoordinatedplan|canbe
developed, responsibility.for
plan andforitsexecution
‘be.“assigned._ In addition, afar morecomprehensive survey of the
istbe“accomplished. No assignment,of responsibilityfor .
‘suchasurvey]has.“yetbeen1made» Presumably a large part“of“the ©
rehabilitation effort (including cleanup) will occur after the

transfer to the Trust Territory Administration.

However, it would

seem highly desirable to have the nature, scope and details of the
Cleanup agreed before the transfer rather than to have to negotiate
them leter. Included in these agreements should be a common understanding of cleanus standards and criteria.



Select target paragraph3