R. E. UB gsvorth
Weapons Laboratory was furnished a copy of

the report: of NV's radiological survey, which
included certain recommendations regarding
radiological safety and control. At this

.time the Island of Runit (Yvonne) was identified
as a significant and potentially serious rad-

_ hazard area. .

August 1971

TW participated with Dr. Walter Schnitt of Scripps

March 1972

WV representatives together with the Director,
DOS, Hq, made a liaison and planning visit to

Institute of Oceanography in discussions of
aquaculture experiments which he proposed to
conduct on Runit Island. NV representetives
expressed concern because of the known widespread
contamination of Runit and strongly recommended
the adoption of stringent radiological surveillan
and controls including a bio-assay progrem for
ell participants.

the Trust Territory in connection with a planned

May '72 survey of Bikizi. The NV representatives
took this opportunity to visit Eniwetok for a
firsthand view of the operaticnal implications
of a preliminary survey of Eniwetok. At the
conclusion of this visit, NV recommended informal
and later formally and in writing that the Air
Force adopt more stringent and comprehensive
radiological control of Eniwetok Atoll than had
been observed during this visit.

May 1972

The AEC survey team having completed its survey
of Bikini Atoll devoted approximately one week
to a preliminary survey of Enivetok. Although
this was not separately funded, it was done with
DOS approval and at small incremental cost.

May 1972

NV Assistant Manager for Operations accompanied
Trust Territory officials, Eniwetok traditional
native leaders and others on a visit to Eniwetok.
wo menobers of the NV survey team were retained

at Eniwetok to provide a radiological escort

for this visit.

Select target paragraph3