sround station ohotography.

Drone operations wore not appreciably

affcetod by this cloud over.

Observed upper winds were substontially as ferceast.


fall-out over the southern part of the atoll, which comncneed about
two hours after detonation, was not oxpected or forccast,.


sive research based upon this expericice gave a fairly positive
conclusion that the parbicles were of sizes net previously ob-

served, 2bout which littic or no knowledge a@dsted,

It is sus-

pected that woupon vleld was a large contributing factor.


viously, the totel number of woapons Fired to date stall dees nobpormit c conclusion with sbselute statistical validity.

In any

avent, tba research dia preduce a methodology br which particle
fall-out con be prodietcd with far creater certainty than pre-


(See appendix "P" for details).


eemerience with DCG shot had focused atbenbion upen prompt fabl-out,

lo avoid this fall-out over inhsbited islands, resultant winds from
the surface to 3O ~- 4.0,c00 feet arc rethor erltical.

As shot day

for BAGY appronclied, an additiensl and positive requiromcant was cso=
tablished: that there be no precipitation over ENGI at shot time.
These two requirements aro almost mutual Li elusive,


north of PARRY ond ENINEDOS, ideal fall-out conditions require
winds aloft with « couwtherly component, while best woobher and aminimum precipitation occurs with northorly winds aloit.


In recognition of the random mature of tropical shower occurrence,
an offort wis made to provide sons degree o. flexibility in the
shot schedule,

aArrangonents were made to provide a short post~

ponemont of shot time, with the order for postponement to be issued
as late as 15 minutes before scheduled time of detonation,

(3). Crders to provide special weather information of the type desired
were issucd,

A woather reconnaissance aircraft was ordered to

approach BNCEBI from a point 390 miles upwind of ENCEBI, arriving
ab a o0st 5 miles offshore at H minue 20 minutes, then to reverse
course and leave the arca,

The anti-suomearine destroyer patrol Ling

off ENGST, was moved into a position LO miles upwind, and instruc-



Select target paragraph3