shock arrival time and crashed in the ocean,

The cause could not be established,

and due to inoperative telemetering system, no data were obtained.

The telemetering

The low B-17 (11,000 feet altitude) drone's

system failed complctely on all tests,

fabric surfaces had beon covered with aluminum foil, a good reflective surface, and
bhough heat was high (over 200°F), no major damage resulted to these surfaces,


siderable damage was apparent to painted sections and one tire was burned to the Ck

tent that it blew out on landing.

Some structural damage was done to the airplane,

but not to the extent that it was unflyable.

After complete inspection it was core

The airplane has been

sidered safe to fly to the U.S. with minimim load aboard.

retumed to the Air Material Command for detailed inspection,

The other B-17 drone

(12,000 feet altitude) wont through the top of the atomic cloud and minor structural

damage was done.

There was no structural damage on the manned airplanes and no ree

ported abnormal heat from the explosion.


On "GEORGE" shot, due to inclement weather, it was decided just prior

to take off time to fly all drones as manned airplanes,
greater distances from the explosion for crew safety,

Positions were changed to
Participating in this shot

were one (1) T+33, three (3) B-17?s and the two (2) B-50Ds5,
preventcd the XB-47 from taking off.

Heavy rain at KWAJALEIN

No structural damage was suffered on any air-

Several crews reported noticeable heat, but at distances involved this heat

was not excessive,


Analysis of the data is continuing at the Air Material Command, iassa-

chusctts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Los Angeles,
Preliminary analysis indicates the following general conclusions:

(1) BlastandGust - The permissible overpressure of one-fourth pound
per. square inch now omployed for operational aircraft was definitely proven low.
One {1} pound overpressure is much more realistic and it is believed that Air
Force aerodynamists will be able to establish safe Limits for each type of airplane as a result of these tests,

Safe gust velocities, which an airplane can

withstand, vary with specd and altitude.

Safc operating altitudes and speeds,

based on bomb yields, will be established by the Air Material Command as a result of these tests.

(2) Thermal Radiation - As bomb yields increase, the range of thermal
radiation increases,


These were the first tests in which facbual data were ob-

It is evident that for operationa]. aircraft, protection from heat will

haye to be afforded the crew and portions of the airplane such as fabric sur-—


seep yen DATA

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Select target paragraph3