


a. The purpose of this oxperiment was to obtain information concerning the
interpretation of survey-metor readings in terms of hazard,

For this purpose, it is

nocessary to know not only the ionization associated with the fission-product activity, but also the beta and gamma ray energies which produce the lonization.


The effective gamma ray energy of the radiation field surrounding ground

zero ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 Mev for two shots,

Since the average energy of the inci-

dent radiation was around 0,7 lev, it is clear that a very high flux of relatively
low-energy radiation must heve been present ns a result of scattering and degradation
of the incident photons, . since it is well established that, except for properly de-

signed ion-chamber instruments, radlation-detccting instruments are unreliable for
cnergics below 0,2 Mev and because much low-cnergy gamma-ray activity is present in
fission fields, it is important that great care be oxercised in the future design of
survey instruments for use in contaminated areas,

Seven types of survey instruments were testod to determine their res~

ponse to radiation ficlds amanating from samples of fission-preduct aggregate,


famma dose rate in roentzens and the beta dose rate in oquivalont roentgens were calix

brated with sccondary standards at heights ranging from 20 centimeters to 1 meter
above the surface of radioactive plaques,
these calivrated fields,

Survey instruments were then exposed te

The work is continuing and the results will be fully tabu-

lated in the final report,


The objective of this project was to evaluate the filtration cfficiency

of five standard and developmental filter materials against the airborne particulete

contamination present in the atomic bomb cloud.
porated in gas

These filter materials are incor-

masks, collective protectors, and othcr devices designed for res-

piratory protection and air filtration.

The project participated in the first three

shots; twenty-three out of twenty-four satisfactory samplos were obtaincd from the

filter collecting B-L7 drones which penetrated the atomic cloud,
b, So far, all samples have been counted for beta activity, and decay data
are being taken over a period of 8 wecks on selected samples.

Radio-autographs are

being made, and information on alpha activity is being gathered,

The data are cur-

rently being corrected for counting errors and decay, prior to final compilation and
analysis of results,


evragep SURREY AYPduds
RTEASD Muti ala

Select target paragraph3