
The general types of equipment tested wore gamin dosimeters and beta

monitors for aircraft interiors, cloud trackers and detectors, airborne ground intonsity survey metors, and droppable, telem.tering crater survey units,

The radiac

equipment was installed in a Novy PeV-2 aircraft and in an Air Porce BL? aireraftt.
The B-L7 emphasized tracking the atomic cloud while the P2V-2 emphasized test of the
cloud-tracking equipment for only the first hour or less, duvoting attention then ta
ground survey and droppings of the telometcring units into the crater area,

The recording gamma dosimeters operated in excellent fashion throughout

the sufficiently high-intonsity arcas were entered to permit full-scale deflection
of the recorders.

The cloud-tracking equipment was able to detect the cloud ab dis~

tanees up 20 miles but the operation was handicapped by such things as power failure,
The range of detection was highly dependent upon the sige ef the cloud which, in turn
was dependent upon the yield of Lhe weapon,

The lowost yield shot in which the pro-

ject participated wave the least conclusive snd least satisfactory of the results,

The ground survey cquipment was hendicapped by malirbenance and opera~

tional problems, but in general the results wore satisfactory for the purpose.


droppablic, belemetering crater survey units were succcssfully monitored in only about
50% of the cases,

The principal cause of this deficiency was bolicved te have beon

the Pailue of the antennae to erect properly after the units Landed on the ground,
A contributing cause lies in the fact that each unit transmits
only 5 minutes of each

hour and uncertainty in tho preci

each unit at the proper time,

time of transmission made it difficult to reccive

The uncertainty in time of transmission arose from in-

herent inaccuracies in setLing the transmission tame on the clock mechanism.


source of error was removed before the third shot by starting the clock mechanisms.
at precisely determined times shortly before launching the units from the aircraft,

The beta cabin monitor performed satisfactcrily in both project aircraft

Tn order to prevent an exeussive radiation dose, the aircraft avoided too close an
approach to the atomic cloud,

Of necessity, therefore, the green light, indicating

safe conditions, remained on at all times,

Similar equipment, however, was installed

in a drone aircraft which penetrated the cloud and recerds indicated that it operated
satisfactorily at red light, or danger lovels,

ALL of the radiac cquipment installed in the two project sircraft per-

formed satisfactorily during at least one shot snd, in all cases, sufficiently well
to establish the validity of their operating principles and achievement of their

signed performance,

Occasional lapses from optimum performance are attributed to

Select target paragraph3