distance from ground zere which would provide the desired degree of damage.


structures consisted of a suction of a mamfacturine tme building with long spans
(such as might be used in the manufacture of aircraft), one manuracturines type with

short spans, and two residential type brick buildings of European type construction,
Thore were in addition six simplificd structurcs with virious sised window openings
to obbain basic information coneerming the efrect of openings on etpuctural rosponse
to th: blast.

There was a one-quarter scale sodel of one of these structures and als:

a one-quarber seale vodel of the aircrary oonukeeturing type building.

The purpose

of these models was to obtain a couparison of the belavior of fseomebrically scaled
Such invormation might permit a saving in the cost of

models and their prototypes.

structure toasts if the relationship of scaled models and protetsne structures can he
firnly established,
is concerned.

The results of the Air force testis were mixod insofar as damege

It is expeeted that analysis of data on transiont effects will provide

very useful information on methods of predicting teargch danage,.


The Pedeoral Civil Defense Administyation sponsored and supported financially

the program to determine the effect of blast om windows,
veloped by the Public Building Service,

Plans for tho test were de+

The oojoective wos to test various

types of

glass and glass substitutes, and windows of the type caployed in offices and homes,
Thore were also tests of methods of stopping flying plass by use of wire mosh, curtains and venetian blinds,

The damage achieved in the wincuews and glazing test was

well bracketed between extremes of compLote anc no damagc,

A satisfactory best was

accomplished and mich useful data will be provided,

The analysis of tne builichugs and prediebian of dausee was accomplished by

the Army, Navy and Air Force,

The requiremontie for transLont measurements and mo~

tion picture photorsraphy were cstablishud in collaboration with bhe Sandia Corpora+
tion and Edreerton, Germeshausen and Gricr.

Extensive measurcments of the condition

of structurcs before and after the tests and damage surveys were accomplished by
SHNONsoring arencies and vaLth the pransiont data furnished by the Sandia Corporation
will be used in making complete analysis and ronorts,


The important responsibility for measuring pressures on the buildings

and for measuring the structural response of the buildings was assumed by Lhe Sandia
vorporation in accordance with ayrreements centered into by the Atomic Enersyv Comission






glia Pahari) hte oT atau

Select target paragraph3