stations ranging from 1,325 to 5,600 yards from ground
a result of the anesthesia,

Of these, 4 died as

Satisfactory burns were obtained for study and biopsy

on the animals placed in the five nearest stations.

On GEORGE shot, 22 swine were anesthetized and placed in two

at 3,460 and 4,780 yards from ground aero,
thesia and inclement weather.

Of these, 10 died as a result of anes—

The circuits operating the mechanismfor the study of
The burns that were obtained were Sa

time dependency failed because of moisture.

tisfactory for gross and microscopic study and for the demonstration of spectral


The equipment used in the burn study functioned satisfactorily; it was

shown that the atomic bomb flash burn is caused principally by visible light, less
so by infrared, and least of all by ultraviolet.
dependency of the burning was less successful.

The effort to estimate the time
Jt seems quite certain that no burn

ing occurs during the first maximum of the thermal emission,

With the data obtained,

it appears that all the burn is inflicted during the first portion of the second
maximum and that burning ceases at about 0.3 to 0.5 seconds after the blast.


this time interval coincides with the peak of the second maximum and since decrease
in illumination does not occur until somewhat later, there is uncertainty regarding
the significance of the cutoff.

Considerable analysis of other phenomena that occur

simultancously is required before the time dzta can be accepted.

Good kodachrome

photographs of the burns and excellent biopsy material were obtained, which should
aid in the precise clinical definition of this type of flash burn,



The principal system of biological dosimetry depends upon the measure-

ment of the percent change in the weight of the thymUs and splcen of mice on the 5th

day after irradiation.

Comparison is made with special controls subjected to iden-

tical treatment except for the radiation.

The effect of total nuclear radiation was

-studied in hemisphere stations with aluminum domes; the effect of total neutron
radiation in hemisphere stations with lead domes; and the effect of fast neutrons,
in hemisphere stations with lead cadmium domes,

for EASY shot, 720; and for GEORGE shot, 360,

For DOG shot, 480 mice were exposed;

All mice were recovered alive.


comparable number of special control mice were placed in the hemispheres as a part
of the dry run for each shot.
the expected yield,

The mouse thymus-spleen system worked very well with

A consistent difference was observed between the film pack dose

estimate and the mouse dose estimate, with the estimate from the mouse system always






Select target paragraph3