
Housing and messing, health and sanitation, utilities and recreational

facilities werc built to support 2,900 persommel on ENIWETOK ISLAND, 1,500 on


Temporary living facilities were provi-

ded on shot islands to accommodate construction crews and scientific personne

preparing the test sites,

Shot island housing was augmented by the use of a
The construction program included rchabilitotion

naval transport and one LST.

of 400,000 square feet of old buildings, construction of 400,000 square feet of
new aluminum buildings, 200 ,000 square feet of tent slabs and frames, 12 miles

of electric lines, 100 miles of submarine cable, 16 miles of watcr distribution
lines and 10 miles of sewers and potrolcum, oil and lubrication systems.


bination. power and water distillation units permanently installed provide 3000
kilowitts of power in addition to meeting the fresh water needs of the atoll,
The 7,000 foot-coral runway and supporting taxiways, parking ramps and decontamination areas were rehabilitated and surfaced or compacted.


required directly by the experimental programs such 4s shot towers, test structures and instrumentation required approximately 35% additional effort to that
tabulated above,

The necessity of basing some JTF-3 clements at KWAJALEIN be-

caine evident during the initial planning period.

In cooperation with the.

Commander, Neval Operating Base, MWAJALEIN, utilizing a Navy contractor firm
already performing construction at the base, additional temporary facilitics
to support approximately 1,400 personnel were constructed,

These facilities

consisted of two new tent camps and rehabilitation of messing, recreational and
health and sanitation facilitics.

In addition, some augmentation was mado to

the permanent facilities planned for KWAJALEIN.

To reduce the requirement for

new construction, one APL was berthed at KWAJALEIN and used at that site during

the entire. operational period,

Surface transportation was initially provided by the Navy through the

Service Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet.

The increasing load of JTF-~3 cargo eventu-

ally necessitated utilization of Military Sea Transport Service (MSTS) for cargo and personne] movements,

The Service Force, Pacific Fleet, continued to

provide reefor ships, POL transportation, and storage afloat during the entire

Air transportation of cargo and personnel was provided by Military

Air Transport Service (MATS), including special air mission flights for personnel and transportation of critical test material.

JTR-3 submitted all trans—

portation requirenents directly te the furnishing agency without the necessity


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