but not excessive, hcat.

However, it is clear now that consideration must be

given to protection of the crew and certain portions of aircraft from heat,
the aircraft are to operate up to safe limits of blast and gust.


up to safe Limits of blast and gust with protected crews may, however, be Lim
ted by the lethal radius of prompt radiation.

For a discussion of cexperimenta—

tion in lethal effects of radiation, gee paragraph 8 above and Appendix "B".

These projects included tests of interfcroneter gauges, radar scope

photography, measurement of effects of atomic explosions on radio propagation,
aerial photographic damage study, and film fogging studies.

The interferometer

gauges, designed to measuro air pressure dircetly, proved to be Simple to oper—ate and inexpensive, and, in general, were highly satisfactory, The results of
the radar scope photography project are not yot available, although it is «known
that the cquipment operated satisfactorily and that pictures were obtained.

Similarly, no definite results are yet available concerning the effects of atomic explosions on radio propagation, although, here too, a large amount of data
was obtained.

Work is progressing on the aerial photomraphic damage study;

apparcntly, the photographs taken were ontircly satisfactory.

A preliminary

report on film fogging studics has already been forwarded to the Strategic Air
Command, at whose request this project was initiated,
For a more detailed discussion of Program &.0, sec Appendix "G",

JTF-3 was organized into four functional task froups designated as Task

Groups 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.

Forces were drawn from the Atomic Energy Commission

and its contractors and from the three Services.

Prior to the appointment of the

Joint Proof Test Committee, preliminary plans and preparations had begun independent—
Ly by the three Services and by the Santa Fe Operations Office (AEC) and by Los
Alames Laboratory,

The basic plan for Operation GREENHOUSE was set forth in JCS

Appendix "H" indicwtes the organization of JTP-3.

strength overseas was 8,916 personnel.
ments of the task force to ENIWETOK.
cations system of the task forec,


The peak task force

Appendix "I" indicates the phasing of Glos
Appendix "J" shows schematically the communi|

Task Group 3.1 (TG 3.1), commanded by Dr, Alvin €. Graves, Los Alamos Lab-

oratory, was activated 17 March 1950.

The mission of TG 3.1 was to conduct all cx


tt iter


Select target paragraph3