Typed for Harry Brown
October 16,


Walter H. Weyzen, Manager
Human Health Studies Programs, OHER

- Bill Brown believes that under the new DOE order on contracting

the best approach on the Rongelap-Uterik Agreement might

be as follows:

DOE HQ finalize version of new agreement, but place it in the
format of an amendment to the old agreement.
It would then be

"Modification No. 4 to contract EX-76-A-28-3159."


Upon coordination with the Director of PASO, Leon Silverstrom,
Chief Counsel NVO,

Ray Duncan,

Assistant Manager for Contracts

and Procurement NV, and R. Taft, Assistant Manager for Operations

NV, the HQ Director of Procurement could designate Mahlon E. Gates,
Manager NV, as his agent for executing this modification with the


With this designation, the accounting function, accrued but
unspent funds cost ceiling and the contract would be transferred
to the Manager NVO.
This would allow PASO to pay claims against the old agreement

and the new agreement (Mod. 4) using the funds now in PASO and
the $22+K now unspent in HQ.

Lo will put together a redraft based on this concept and the input
from the meeting and send it to you and Bill Brown for review.
f would appreciate it if we can stay in contact as decisions are

made on whether the above is the way you want to go.

L£ not, perhaps you or Bill could let us know any alternative course
you will take.

As a starter you may want to designate Mr. Gates as contract
administrator now for the old agreement.
My discussions with
the contacts and accounting people led me to believe this
could be easily done by memo from you as per the attached
handwritten draft.

Harry Brown

As stated


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