Dr. Robert Conard


DEC 14 1973

times Gustafson's predictions even with no Pandanus in the diet
if Arrowroot and Crab are left in (these are now available) and

if the diet is deficient in calcium (i.e., 0.42 gm/day).

The next part of Enclosure | gives a brief report on the trip to

Kili in 1968 to talk with the Bikini people and their Council and

to answer their questions. Also, inthis section are the Q's and
A's developed for the 1970 field trip. A limited number of copies
of this were given to Trust Territory officials we met during the
The last section of Enclosure 1 presents some information on
radioactivity in Copra and the ultimate destination for copra
Enclosure 2 is a trip report written following the 1970 Bikini
survey. It contains a record of daily activities and some of the
problems one typically faces in carrying out sucha survey. You
will note there was very little contact with the Bikini workers for
this visit due to their early departure from theatoll.
One word regarding the updating of Gustafson's estimates. Ihave
tried to keep Phil informed of what has happened since he left DBER.
We have considered the revised estimates in Enclosure 1 as pre- —
liminary and unconfirmed and would be more than happy to see
anyone else make an independent set of estimates using the same
data. Ido feel that considering the findings since the 1967 survey
and since the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations, and considering
the increased general concern for radiation exposures, that measures
‘to reduce exposures of Bikini residents, and to keep such exposures

as low as feasible, must be considered more than something desirable

to do, i.e., an extra or bonus benefit. I would urge that the precautions for Pandanus planting and calcium supplement for the diet
be considered firm requirements and priority items in the followup
of the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations.

Itis, in my view,

most important for someone who knows conditions in the Marshalls
to determine the most effective way to introduce the calcium supplement, to pin down who is responsible for conducting and funding this
effort, and to make sure that those Trust Territory officials who have
to do with agricultural rehabilitation of the atoll know of the importance
of the recommendation on planting Pandanus and that they implementit.



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