Page F
North on a field trip in the near future to converse with the
Landowner about turning the acre of land of the complex over to
the community for use,

The Marshall Islands Kducation vepartment

can be of no help in this matter as they are legally prevented
from dealing in lam so that the land question finally may rest on

the decision of these two men,

Namu Hermios will be most interested

in talking to Dr. Conard or any other official in the present

health team who could discuss and clear up Wth him future commission
plans for the structures while in Majuro.

In view of the support and possible clearance of the buildipgs,
the faculty in October, 1967, drafted a vrant-in-ald proposal to
secure funds for a 5 kilowatt generator engine by which to light

the completely wired buildings, the wiring being in near perfeot
conoition from the 1958 air roroe-AEC stay.

This is coordinated

with the future renovation plans and would make the complex the

best school plant today in the marghall Islands,

‘this proposal,

endorsed by the entire Utirik Community, has receive’ complete

approval on the ain,vrict ievet, was passed by the Trust Territory
Community Development review board in saipan and 193 now on Mr, Naw

wood's desk waiting for the final approval.

soth this and the school

partnership program are fooused around use of the buildings and
hinge on their clearance,

aA detail of these reports accompanies

this peport.
Concerning the final plans for disposal of the Utirik buildings,
we would like to find out at your earliest convience if you could
be of any help now,

The landowner Lomor Jorout is negative on

community take-over or extended use but has no definite plans as

yet to his personal use in the event that they are released to him,

Select target paragraph3