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The radioactive fall-out from tower shots of TUMBLER/SNAPPER (R)

and UPSHOT/ENOTHOLE (R) Test Operations has been plotted in detail
utilizing the radiological monitoring logs of the ground and air

The report brings out the following points:


There is no excessive radioactive fall-out from an

atomic bomb if the fireball does not touch the ground.

(This refers

to the maximm fireball radius.)


It is possible to datonate the following type of shots

regardless of weathar conditions (other than rain) without producing
excessive radioactive contamination:

3 NT bezb exploded from a

300 ft tover, 8 XT from 100 ft, 18 XT from 500 ft, 45 ED from 700 ft,
100 ET from 1000 ft, and 200 ET from 1300 *%.

Im this discussion only

the residcal radioactive contamination 13 considered and no account is
taken of the blast and thermal damage pacameters.,

It ds possible to dalineate the general fall~out area

adequately using a aizple Stokes’ Law analyois of the winds and assuning

that the particle size varies from 150 aicrensa to 75 aicrens, and the
average density of the particles is 2,5 grams per cubic centineater.



The radex based on tha actual wind observations made

three hours pricr to shot tine indicates the general fall-out area ade-~

It is suggeated that the decision to fire a contaninating tover

shot (i.e. where the zarimim fireball redius is equal to or greater than


Select target paragraph3