He almost made his alternate landing field, Eniwetok Airstrip,
but went into the ocean just about at the Atoll reef.

heard his last words on the radio which were:

"Iam bailing

However, no parachute appeared, and the pilot and airPlane were lost. We lost one sailor through drowning. An-


other sailor who was swimming with a snorkel and swim mask’
was overrun by an LCM. He was badly cut up and died later of.
injuries in Tripler Gereral Hospital...


Materiel-wise, in addition to the F-sha mentioned,


above, we lost one RB-50 aircraft on the Eniwetok Airstrip.
It had landed, come to a full stop, and had turned

arouna and was taxiing back up the strip when an explosion

of undetermined origin occurred in the bomb bay.
All crewmen escaped but the aircraft burned and was complete loss.



With respect to CASTLE, at an earlier conference in
the forward area, attended by General Fields and Mr. Boyer,
the scope was considerably increased over that which I had
used for early planning purposes.
Now, as a result of

further conference in the forward area with General Fields

and others from the AEC, the scope is still further in-

creased to include five (5) detonations, three (3) of which

will be thermonuclear in nature and in the megaton yield



“My paper to the Joint Chiefs of Staff dated 4 August
1952 indicated that as a result of experience gained in

IVY, the service requirements for CASTLE might have to be

revised upward.
The paper, as approved by the JCS for
plarning purposes, indicates that the JCS expect a revised

estimate on an austere basis.

Now with two (2) additional

thermonuclear tests added, which were not considered when
the paper for the JCS was prepared, I believe there can
be no downward revision in requirements.
I believe, however, we can hold service requirements to approximately the
Same as they were for IVY.
This has been an interesting as well as fascinating

operation for me.

It has required

the best efforts on

the part of all concerned, and I am glad to report that
the spirit and cooperation were all that could be expected.
In frequent instances, the personnel and units performed in an outstanding manner, well beyond the normal
call to duty.
I expect to return to Washington early in December
and will call on you at that time..



Major General, USA



Select target paragraph3