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January 4, 1974
Message from the Director:
Vhis educational booklet represents a sigiificant

effort to provide information to the people of Rongelap and Utirik about “radiation” and the circumstances of their exposure and illness.

Highlighting this project is the Department's
attempt to provide facts to the people of the two
atolls to satisfy the need for knowledge of this unusnal health problem. Phe booklet is being prepared
in both English and Marshallese Janguage to assure
clear understanding of the people who will read the



Much has been accomphshed through the collection of data to be printed as public information in the
booklet; but much more remains to be done.
Marshall Islands

1 would hike to extend my appreciation to the stall
and other participants for their dedication andeffort


to make this booklet possible. I also extend my greetings to the people of Rongelap and UOutrik.
Dr. Masao Kumancal
Director of Health Services

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