Whydo the doctors feel our neck?

Yourthyroid glands are in your neck. The doctors feel your neck to find out tf you
have a sickness in your thyroid gland. Another way to check your thyroid is with a
special machine.

Etke doctor ro rej kakilen buruom?

Thyroid gland ko rej ber iburuomi. Doctorro rej kakilen buruemi im lale ne ewor
naninmij ilo gland ko ibemi. Bar juon wewen kakolkol ¢j kin juon kain engine.

Thyroid examination

Spectal machinefor checking thyroid gland.

Kakilen ebboj in buru


Kernjerbal in kakilkil thyroid gland

What is the thyroid gland?

Va in thyroid gland?

Your thyroid gland does a certain kind of work in your body. Yourcars allow you
to hear, your cyes make you see and your thyroid makes you grow normally and

Thyroid gland ¢j komonjet yerbal ko ilo enbwin. Lojilnin ej ronjake, mepan ey
loc im thyroid cy komon bwe en emon amedrek im komonmon am mou. Kinke

stay healthy. Because radiation affected their thyroid glands, someof the boys in
Rongelap grew slowly after the fallout. In 1965, they were given special medicine

and they grow normally. Ifyou have a
thyroid éperation, itis very important
that you take the medicine that is given
to you. The medicine will do the same

work as your thyroid and it will keep

you healthy.

poison co car kakure thyroid gland ko, jet ladrik in Rongelap rar dritto bat clkin

jorren co. lo 1965 rar lelok juon kain uno im ear bar emon air edreklok. Ehane

ema) an mwijmwiy thyroid eo am, clap
an lap tokjcn bwe kwon boki uno ko rej

liwoji non yuk. Uno kein renaj jerbal
einwot kar thyroid gland eo am im naj
kokomonmon am mour.

They were stch before. ‘They are healthy nov.


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Rar naninnuy mokta. Eman av mour kre.

eeERR at aku eno



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