

OR rit




aft We oe eat

Etke armij rej mij elkin air kimliji drier?

Whydopeople die after they have their bones drilled?
Nobodycan die from having their bones drilled. Drilling into your bonesis not


Ejelok en emaron mij jen kimliji dri ko drier. Kimlij dri ejab juon kauatata ak

menin kakure. Bolen armij ro rar mij jen bar jet mij im ej jab mij armij jenc.


dangerous or harmful and docs not cause death.

Dri komon ne eo ej kimliji ne ko
Dri kamonne eo efhimltjpt nim ak hog jab muy jen e.

Dentist drilling teeth
Dentists drill your teeth, too, butyou do not die.

One man became blindafter the fallout ... Will [become blind too?
No onc becameblind from fallout and we don’t expect anyone to become blind
from it since there was not cnough radiation to cause blindness or cye trouble.
Whydo we haveto be taken away to the States to be operated?
To give you the best medical care possible. The best doctors, hospitals and equipment are in the States so you are sent there for treatment. When
sick, he was taken to the National Institute of Health Hospital in Maryland. Even
the President of the United States goes to this hospital when heis sick because they
have the best doctors and the bestequipmentin the US Trwas sad drat
but the doctors did everything they could to teat him,

Juon emanear bilo elkin poison eo. In bar bilo ke?
Ejclok juon ear bilo jen poison eo im kimijab kotmene corer cnaj bilo jene kinke
ear jab bwe poison co bwe en kommanbilo ak jorren in mej.
Etke rej bok kim non States im mwijmwij?
Bwe komin toi kejbarok ko remontata ikijen paninmij. Doctor ro rejela tala,
hospital ko im kein jerbal ko reber ilo States im rej jilkiniok kom bwe ren lale kom
ie. len eo
.éar naninmy rar boklok non National Institute of Health
Hospital ilo Maryland. President en an United States ¢j etal non hospital in ilo ien
an naninmij kinke doctor ro rejela im kein jerbal ko remon tata ilo U.S. rey bet iyin.
Joon mentn haburomopmay ke
ear mpak doctor prorat hormiat aer niaron tin

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