iO i tenes a

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1. H. E. Parmer and T. M. BEAszey, Science 149,
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2. T. Jaaxxora, in: Radisecological Concentration
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B. Persson, in: Radioecological Concentration
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il. E. B. SanpeLt, in: Colorimetric Determination of
Traces of Metals (Edited by B. L. Cuarkg, P. J.
Exvine and I. M, Kottuorr), p. 541, Interscience, New York (1959).
12. R. B. R. Persson, Health Phys. 16, 69 (1969).
13. International Commission for Radiological Protection,





missible Dose for Internal Radiation, Pergamon
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H. E. Parmer and T. M. Beastey, Nature, Lond.

14. C. D. Jennixcs, Iron-55 in Pacific Ocean Organ-

H. E. Parmer and T. M. Beastey, Health Phys.

sity (1968).
15. E. E. Hexp, Pacif. Sci. 14, 18 (1960).
16. E. P. Harpy and J. Rivera, HASL Tech. Rep.
p. II-9, 193 (1969).
17. J. P. Tunry, in: Studies on Oceanography (Edited

211, 1253 (1966).
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. H. E. Pacmer et al., Radiological Health Data
Reports 9, 387 (1968).

. CG. E. Jenxins and J. C. Lanerorp, Pacific

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. D. CHaxravarti and E. E. Hep, J. Fd. Sci. 38,

221 (1963).
10. R. A. Conarp e¢al., Brookhaven National Lab.
Rep. 50029 (T-446) (1967). This report con-

tains a brief review of past medical surveys on
Rongelapese natives and a bibliography listing

medical reports, radioecological studies, and

isms, Ph.D. Thesis, p. 77, Oregon State Univer-

by K. Yosupa), pp. 68-94, University of Washington Press (1965).
18. T. W. Duke and T. R. Rice, in: Proceedings of the

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in: Radioactivity in Marine Environment (Edited by
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graduate theses which deal with work conducted

wer} oT

at Rongelap Atoll.

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