1961-1962 tests were maximal."8 Speeds of
surface currents in both the California and North
Equatorial Currents are sufficiently large to
account for transport of waters from 30 to 40°N

latitude to Rongelap Atoll”) in the time period

similarly, maximum surface de-

position of §5Fe occurred in 1963," and thus
the data ofTable 2 probablyreflect contributions
from both sources. The higherspecific activity
noted in goatfish liver in August 1963 may
reflect more nearly the specific activity of waters

at Rongelap Atoll than does the sample of
March 1963.

Livers from immature goatfish

were used in the August specimen, while the

March sample was obtained from mature fish.
Recent measurements of the specific activity
of immature and mature goatfish liver collected
at Johnston Atoll in 1968 showed that immature

fish livers contained less stable iron and more
55Fe per unit wet weight than did livers from
mature fish. We assume that the immature
fish are in the process of forming their iron
stores and therefore more nearly reflect the

'o 5% at
.a). Stable
» collection

environmental specific activities than do the
mature fish whose iron stores are already
formed. In the latter case, exchange rates may

+ alter the stable

be slow.
Our measurements of 55Fe in soils collected
from the samesites between 1959-1963 do not
clarify either of the input sources mentioned
above; the changes in concentrations are greater

activity. In this

che of soil is a
rccur as a result
ine activities in

than can be accounted for by physical decay.

: Rongelap be2 an ecological

Natural processes which remove 59Fe from the
upper 2.54 cm of soil may preclude its use as a

val to that obsmecific activities
umes; however,

precise collector, and therefore the results are

useful only to indicate order ofmagnitude values
of ®5Fe soil concentrations present at the collection time.
Unfortunately it is not possible to offer a
clear argument in explanation of the 55Fe body
burdens of the Rongelapese presented here, at
this time. Samples from 1963 through 1969
would have shed light on the problem, but

cnual loss would

~ retention and

“mn, or the time

axumum specific

. iear devices in

4% radionuclide

. by atmospheric
of radioactivity
“cised of waters
..tout from the

none are available for analysis. In a speculative

nee eee hee ae teen

‘wity of goatfish
:d 1963 reflects
‘neentrations of

vein, several explanations can be advanced.
First, the possibility of Rongelap lagoon acting
as a nutrient and trace-element ‘“‘trap”’ similar
to estuaries'!8) is intriguing. Removal and
retention within the lagoon of both stable iron
and §5Fe from the North Equatorial Current
could lead to high specific activities of **Fe in


species important in the Rongelapese diet. The

fact that livers from mature goatfish contain
between 2-3 times as muchstable iron per unit

wet weight as do livers of mature salmon!) is
consistent with this argument. Second, Jennincs7) and more recently Preston@*) have
suggested that large amounts of 55Fe were introduced into the northern hemisphere as tropospheric fallout during the 1961~1962 test series

and that deposition may have occurred in rather

narrow latitudinal bands (maximum input at
60°-70°N (Preston). JostrH ef al.@% suggest
that subsequent stratospheric deposition of 5*Fe

from these tests was similar to that observed for

90Sr, i.e. maximum deposition at 45°N. Transport of 55Fe from these high latitudes by major
ocean current systems feeding the North
Equatorial Current (in addition to biological
and physico-chemical factors) will deplete
northern waters of this radionuclide. As dis-

cussed earlier, transit time for these waters from

high latitudes to Rongelap Atoll ismeasured in

year, and it is therefore possible that the higher

55Fe body burdens in the Rongelapesereflects a
“‘lag”’ time between the *5Fe specific activities of
Northern Pacific and Southern Pacific Ocean
biota due to this transport. Finally it is possible
that the high 55Fe Rongelapese body burdens

relative to the Japanese donors results from a

combination of dietary intake and uptake and

retention differences for iron between the two
groups sampled. Unfortunately precise dietary

information for both groups is lacking andlittle
is known about the 5*Fe specific activities of the
foods eaten by both groups. The Rongelapese
do not suffer from iron deficiency anemia, so

enhanced uptake of iron from the diet is

probably inconsequential. Itis clear that further

measurementsof the specific activities of 55Fe in
the diets of the Rongelapese and other maritime
cultures and the effective half-life they display
for this radionuclide will be needed to clarify
the questions raised here.

Acknowledgement—We thank Mr. T. A. Joxera for
technical assistance and Dr. M. Fuarra for kindly
arranging for the blood specimens from Tokai-mura,

Japan. Dr. A. H. Seymour and Mr. H. E. PatMer
provided helpful discussions during preparation of the

manuscript. Supported by AEC under Contract
No. AT(45-1)-2225-14 and AT(26-1)-269.

Select target paragraph3