the samples.

In general, the land-surface shots deposited more coral] than the water-

surface shots, and the inverse relationship applied to sea water.

There was rough cor-

relation between fraction of the device and the fallout radiation level at the station.


Decay of the fallout activity was observed by measuring three separate activities:
beta disintegrations per minute, gamma photons, and gammaionization. The measured
data are summarized in Figures 3.12, 3.13, and 3.14. The beta-decay curve was also

calculated by adding contributions from fission products and activities induced in device
components (Figure 3.15). These curves were used to extrapolate activity measurements
to a common time.
Radiochemical studies of the samples have yielded data on capture-to-fission ratios
and R-values. (R-values are an indication of the relative abundance of a particular nuclide as compared to its normal abundance in fission products from slow-neutron fission

of U5, )
The most-important neutron-~capture activities were due to Np™*, U5", and U2“.
The R-values were measured for Sr*?,
Ag!!! cdl§, Bal? cel, naif?

Sm!53 | Eu5s | Gd! and Tb! using Mo*? as a reference nuclide.
The measured capture-to-fission ratios are summarized in Table 3.2. Usually, the
R-values for the cloud and fallout samples were consistent. The R-values for the rare
earths Agitt and Cd!!5 were usually greater than unity, indicating an enrichment of these
isotopes compared to slow-neutron fission products of U™5. The R-values for Sr®® were
usually less than unity. Detailed results are reported in the final reports of Projects
2.6a and 2.6b (see Appendix).
Two methods of performing material-balance calculations were used: (1) the fraction
of the device was computed using a radiochemical Mo" determination as a tracer for the
number of fissions contributing to the sample and (2) the absolute beta count of a sample
was related to a calculation of beta activity of fission products and induced activities reSulting from fission of a certain number of atomsat various times, as in Figure 3.15.

Select target paragraph3