The measurements, including two points calculated by integrating gamma-rate records
from Shot 4, are presented in Figure 3.1. Prediction curves (from Reference 7) and
measurements during Greenhouse and Ivy (References 8 and 9) are also presented for

One record of initial-ganima rate versus time up to shock~arrival time (0.9 seconds)
was recovered after Shot 1. Two complete records (illustrated in Figure 3.2) were recovered after Shot 4. The shock-arrival times interpolated from Project 1.1 data are



Shot 2 - 1iMT
Snot 3-013 MT
Shot 4 - 70 MT
Snot 6-17 MT

Ivy Mike (Moiik } -i0.5 MT
Previous Meosuraments

TM 23-200 Predictions


10 MTb——



0.08 MT

Range , 10% Yords

Figure 3.1 Initial gamma exposure versus distance.
indicated on the figures.

of the gamma-rate curve.

Apparently, this time is associated with the break in the slope

The integration of these curves indicates that the exposure

at the 7,171-foot station was 1,000 r before shock arrival and 16,800 r after arrival.
The corresponding exposures at the 13,501~-foot station were 14 r and 109 r. Therefore,


Select target paragraph3