objectives, with one exception: the objective of Project 3.2 was reduced from true crater
measurement to apparent crater measurement, because the probability of meaningful
data did not justify the support effort requircd. An additional project was approved at
this time: Project 3.4, Minefield Clearance, under Navy sponsorship.
The possibility of expanding the objective of Project 1.4 to include underwater pressiureversus-time measurements from a surface burst over deep water was explored. Althoug)
LASL agreed to relocation of one of the barge shots to a position outside of the !agoon,
with certain restrictions, the estimated yields of the devices then scheduled were tou
high to make a satisfactory test probable. In view of this and the additional support iavolved, the matter was dropped.
During the operational phase, the following projects were edded to the military-effect
test program:

Project 2.7 (Study of Radiation Fallout by Oceanographic Methods) was added to obtain
Joint Tosk Force 7

Task Groups

Task Group 7.4


Task Units



Unit 13


Fleld Command, AFSwP
Weapons Effects Teets


Figure 1.1 Organizational relationships.
additional fallout data by employment of water sampling and other techniques in free-

ocean areas.

Project 3.5 (Blast Effects on Miscellaneous Structures) was added to document the
damage to shore facilities arising from the unexpectedly high yield of Shot 1.
Project 4.1 (Study of Response of Human Beings Accidentally Exposed to Radiation
Due to Fallout from High Yield Weapons) was added to document, incidental to medical
treatment, observations of personnel evacuated from those atolls east of Bikini unex-

pectedly contaminated by fallout from Shot 1.

The physical damage and adverse radiological situation arising from Shot 1, coupled
with repeated postponements of subsequent events because of weather, placed the militaryeffect participation in subsequent shots on a tentative basis. In particular, the adverse
effects of the following factors were very real: (1) gradua! loss of personnel as their
total accumulative radiation dosage exceeded the maximum limit because of radiological
contamination of Bikini Atoll land areas to which entry was mandatory for project purposes; (2) loss of equipment by Projects 2.2 and 2.5 by a secondary fire from Shot 1 on
the Tare Island support facility; (3) conversion from land-based to ship-based operations
at Bikini after Shot 1, with attendant difficulties of personnel transport, communications,


Select target paragraph3