pCi/g were found at any depth are

Analysis of the sedimentand core
samples indicates the presence of 410K
69 G5, 905. 10ley 102mpy 106 Ru

enclosed in cross-hatched areas in

Fig. 152.

127 oy

Thus it seems likely that soil bearing

13T Gg 1525

154 oy

155 ny

20751, 2355 238 oy 239, 2405.) and

high concentrations of plutonium — as


opposed to pieces of plutonium — is largely

Am in some, but not necessarily all

limited to a band roughly 350 m wide

of the samples.

across the island, centered on the visible

uniformly distributed over the lagoon

plutonium soil layer.

floor, with the highest levels generally

Within this band,

Each nuclide is non-

plutonium concentrations are greatest on

found in the northwest part of the lagoon,

the ocean side, less on the lagoon side,

2-3 km southeast of the islands ALICE

and least in the island center — a finding

through IRENE; the next highest levels are

consistent with historical data which in-

found in the area southwest of YVONNE;

dicate that debris was bulldozed away

and the lowest levels are found south of a

from the shot point toward both shore-

line extending across the lagoon from the

lines after the event which produced these

Southwest Passage to TOM.

plutonium particles.

for example, shows the distribution pat-

Except for this band across the island,

tern for 206...

Figure 158,

Similar figures have been

there is no evidence which indicates thai

prepared for each of the predominant

plutonium particles on or near the ground

Species found,

puliace iu the larger area siuwnu in

Wiaay Uf ihe rauionmuciides Tuund in tne

Fig. 152 are also found at any significant

marine sediment and core samples were

depth below the surface.

not detected in the water samples, in-

Because of the

discrete nature and random distribution


of these particles, of course, the only way


that their distribution could be further






In only 15 samples from the

northern part of the lagoon were

established would be by analysis of very


137 Cs

large volumes of soil.

207 Bi,


and 241 am detected.

ang 239,240 Pu

were positively

identified in all samples.

Radioactivity Levels in Enewetak


Table 217 gives

the mean surface water concentration of

137A, and 239,240


‘Approximately 858 samples taken from

Pu in the four quadrants

of the lagoon, in the ocean close to the

the Enewetak lagoon environment were

east side of the lagoon, and for several

analyzed by germanium gamma-

areas in other parts of the world for

spectroscopic (GeLi) and wet-chemistry

comparative purposes.

techniques to determine the distribution

In the plankton samples, the most
abundant isotopes observed were 905.

of radioactive species in the lagoon, in-

(av 0.86 pCi/g, wet wt) and 7°" Bi

cluding 345 sediment and bottom cores,
82 seawater and seawater filters, 21 algae,

(0.83 pCi/g), followed in decreasing order

plankton, or coral, and 410 fish samples.

of abundance by

69 co (0.68 pCi/g),

239, 24054 (0.39 pCi/g), 195 Ey (0,24
pci/g), 741 Am (0.23 pCi/g), and '3"cs

Figure 157 shows the major sampling

locations for this marine program,

Select target paragraph3