The main contribution to the population

rather than grow them locally, the ex-

dose comes through the terrestrial food

pected 30-yr bone dose would be reduced

pathway, followed in decreasing order of

from 80 to 25 rem and the whble-body

Significance by the external gamma dose,

dose from 11 to 6.5 rem.

marine, and inhalation pathways.

would be obtained if uncontaminated soil

In the

Similar results

terrestrial food pathway, the main con-

were imported to JANET for the estab-

tribution to both whole-body and bone

lishment of these plants.

dose is due to pandanus and breadfrutit,

obtain the same results by removal of

Percentage contributions to the 30-yr

905, and '3c5-contaminated soil from

integral dose for each of the terrestrial

JANET would require denuding of the

food items for a population engaged in

entire island because of the relatively

agriculture on JANET are shown in

uniform distribution of these isotopes

Table B,

over the land surface.

Corrective actions to reduce popula-

Attempts to

Significant reduction of the external

tion doses will be most beneficial if they

gamma dose may be achieved by placing

are directed at the primary contributors,

a 2-in, layer of clean gravel in the vil-

i.e., pandanus and breadfruit in the diet

lage areas and by plowing the agricultural

and external pamma dose in the residence



these procedures reduces the expected

Since neither pandanus nor bread-

fruit are now growing on the Atoll in sufficient amounts to provide a significant

On JANET, for example, use of

30-yr external dose from 4.0 to 1.7 rem,
Thus, from Table A it is clear that a

dietary component, control of the location

very broad range of population doses may

and manner in which they are reestab-

be expected, depending on village island,

lished will havea direct influence on the
population doses from these fruits.


agricultural island, and living pattern.


is equally clear that substantial reduc-

their growth were limited to the southern

tions of the higher doses can be achieved

islands, for example, and the population

through relatively simple modification of

living on JANET were to import them

the agricultural practices and of the soil,
Table C summarizes the reduction that

Table B.

Percentage of total 30-yr ter-

restrial food dose to a population engaged in agriculture on


905, dose
to bone,


Ilo dose
to whole body,


Domestic meat



Pandanus fruit






Wild birds

0,005 |


could be expected from these actions for
a population living on JANET,
. The island of YVONNE presents a

unique hazard on Enewetak Atoll.


plutonium particles are present on or
close to the ground surface, randomly

scattered in "hot spots" over most of the
area from the tower to CACTUS crater,

Examination of these "hot spots" has

Bird eggs



revealed the presence of occasional




milligram-size pieces of plutonium metal,

Coconut meat



Coconut milk



as well as smaller pieces which are physically indistinguishable in size from the

Select target paragraph3