The job of the Task Group is to recommend for consideration by the
Commission, radiological criteria for cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetak
Atoll and to recommend those remedial measures and actions needed to
reduce exposures of the Enewetak people to levels within these criteria.
The objective is to keep exposures as low as practicable.

The Task Group,

advisors, and consultants have carefully reviewed the AEC Radiological Survey
results; current information on the life style, diet, and rehabilitation
preferences of the Enewetak people; applicable radiation protection guidance
established by various national and international radiation standards setting

bodies; and current laws and regulations pertaining to disposal of radioactive
waste materials.


The recommendations that were developed are those that, in the judgment
of the Task Group, advisors, and consultants, are most appropriate for the
U.S. Government to take to provide a radiologically acceptable environment
for the Enewetak people considering they will be long-term residents on the


Recommended measures for Enewetak Atoll are very simular to those

that guided cleanup and rehabilitation of Bikini Atoll.
After thorough review of the Radiological Survey Report, the Task Group

makes the following observations:

The survey provides an exceptionally complete data base for
estimating radiation doses.

It includes the results of an

aerial gamma radiation survey of land area plus radiochemical

data from the analysis of over 4500 samples of air, soil, vegetation,
sediment, water, and marine and land animals.


Select target paragraph3