For comparative purposes, population dose estimates for Options I-V are
presented in Table 11.
After careful review of all available radiological data the Task Group
members' specific recommendations are as follows:
1. The people of Enewetak Atoll may be safety returned to their homeland provided certain actions are taken and precautions observed.
In the interest of achieving a minimum practicable radiation dose
for the Enewetak people the Task Group recommends that:
The first villages and residences be constructed on ELMER, FRED,
DAVID, or on any of the southern islands (ALVIN-KEITH) that the
Enewetak people choose.
Growth of all subsistence crops such as pandanus, breadfruit,

tacca, pigs, chickens, and all other terrestrial food stuffs
except coconut be limited to islands ALVIN-KEITH.

Subsistence and commercial coconut may be grown without remedial
measures on any island in the Atoll except ALICE, BELLE, CLARA,

Fishing be permitted anywhere.
Travel be unrestricted to all islands except YVONNE. When the
Pu contamination on YVONNE is removed, the restriction of travel
to that island can be lifted.
Wild birds and bird's eggs be collected anywhere.
Coconut crabs be collected onlv on the southern islands


Wells which are intended to provide lens water for human consumption
or for agricultural use be drilied only on the southern islands

When drilled, water from each well should be checked

for bacteria, salinity, and radioactivity content before the well is
approved for use.




Select target paragraph3