
In the radiologically complex Enewetak Atoll environment there are a

large number of options that may be considered for cleanup and rehabilitation
of various islands.

The Task Group has considered as many of these as

possible and has attempted to arrive at a consensus of opinion among the drafting

group and its technical advisors.

Comments on draft material have been solicited

from staff of several Federal agencies.
the development of recommendations.

Their suggestions have influenced

Regarding each option, the following have

been considered.

Determination of the radiological exposure to be expected and
comparison of predicted exposures with accepted radiation exposure


The feasibility of actions or restrictions inherent in the option.


The effectiveness of the option in bringing exposures within the
criteria and any uncertainties regarding the effectiveness.


The possible impact on the Enewetak people and on the environment.
Choice of the best overall method for reduction of exposures to the

lowest practicable level is a matter of judgment and opinion.

The Task Group

has deliberated whether actions of an engineering nature, such as soil removal,
are preferable to actions that would restrict use of certain islands for
permanent habitation and food production.

The adverse impact of engineering

‘actions on the Atoll environment and the uncertainties regarding effectiveness

have been viewed on the one hand, and the question of the extent to which the
Enewetak people would comply with restrictions on the other.
NVO-140 and this Task Group report present the radiation doses that may
be associated with a broad range of options and provide data for calculating
doses for other options for anyone who wishes to do so.

The dose reduction

expected for one option can be compared with that of another.


Dollar cost

Select target paragraph3