The following ideas have been put forth regarding disposal of plutonium
contaminated soil and scrap:


1. Disposal of plutonium contaminated scrap in the deep lagoon or
deep ocean.

2. Make the contaminated soil into concrete blocks with disposal in
deep ocean or through burial on land..
3. Disposal of contaminated soil in the form of cement poured into
deep drill holes on land with the scrap added.
4. Disposal of soil and scrap in the water filled craters on YVONNE with

a thick concrete cover.
5. Return of these materials for burial in the U.S. in packaged form or
as concrete blocks.
6. An effort be made to find a way to reduce the volume and amount of
material requiring disposal.
Any ocean disposal plans must conform with the specific provisions of
applicable regulations governing such disposal and must be approved by the

Environmental Protection Agency.

Discussions with the Enewetak people and

their representatives indicate they strongly oppose disposal of radioactive

debris on the Atoll.

Any plans for burial of contaminated debris within the .

Atoll should be discussed with the people.
It may be possible to reduce the amount of material requiring disposal
by removal of the plutonium from the most highly contaminated soil.


Task Group does not have adequate information to determine whether this may
be feasible.

Research to determine whether this can be accomplished could be

conducted with YVONNE used as the study site.


Select target paragraph3