137 Cs — In the dose model for 137 Cs, it is assumed that the loss of
137 Cs from the body can be described as an exponential loss with a
turnover time that varies as a function of age.

The annual dose

is calculated, always taking into account the residual body burden from

the previous year.




Body mass as a function of age is taken from Spiers.


Initial dietary intakes are calculated and deses are p redicted, based
upon the initial intake and the exponential loss of

137 Cs in the diet at

a rate equal to the physical half-time of 1 sto.

Diet — The diet for adults is that listed in the original report
NVO-140.— For children from ages 1 through 1C, the intake of coccnut

milk and coconut meat is doubled to 600 and 200 g/day, respectively.
These two products are the most likely to ce consumed in greater quantity

by children than by adults.

The rest of the diet for children is assumed

to be one-half of the adult diet.




From information available, this is a conservative assumption in


At age 10, it is assumed that the child is on the full adult diet.

children are not usually considered to reach the averace adult intake
until age 14 or 15.

However, because of the diet changes which oceur

at 10 yr (i.e., randanus, breadfruit, coconut, etc., which become
available) it is convenient to use this point for adjusting the child to
the adult diet, and if anything, this adjustment produces a slightly
conservative dose estimate for the children due to the high
in the adult diet.



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