The bone-marrow dose-rates to children are calculated ty combining
Bennett's model for children with the approach developed by Sriers

and used in the UNSCEAR report


for estimating bone-marrow dcse from

the mineral or matrix bone dose.

The values used for converting De

doses, to bone-marrow and endosteal cell dcses, are 0.314 and 0.434

Bennett's model also extrapolates to the adult case and


is combined with the Srtiers approach Tor predicting

the bone-marrow

doses to adults.

The tone mass is assumed to correlate directly with bdocy mass, and




these Gata as a function of age are taxen from Srliers.
masses are based upon average data from the U.S.


These bedy

rorulation and a factor

of 0.55 was incorrorated to account for the smaller size of the



The calcium concentration in bone (sCa/g bone) as a


function of age is taken from Bennett.


In calculating the mineral bone dose (D, dose) in NVO-15C, the
was followed, using






approach of ICHP

calculated from this mcdel are compared to the 3-rern,yr suide (ICHE
for bone for general cublic.



in assessing the annual dose

both children and aduits, the bone marrow is taken as the critical organ,




and the recormendations in ICRP 11



are used.

In this model the quality factor is still one (4F = 1), and the “n”
factor is no longer epplicable.

The bone marrow is considered in the

category of sensitive blocd-forming organs, and the corresponding dese

guide for such organs is 0.5 rem/yr rather than the 3 rem/yr for
mineral bone.

Select target paragraph3