Another action that would achieve the maximum dose reduction that can
be expected is through importation of clean soil from the southern islands or
from outside the Atoll.

90, concentrations in the average profile (Table 6)

do not get as low as those on the southern islands even at a depth of
180 cm.

To achieve this maximum effect, however, sufficient clean soil has

to be imported to encompass the entire root system of the mature trees and
the water supply for these crops must not have 70sy levels higher than those
found in the southern islands.

Any replacement soil should be soarse and

Such soil is less likely to blow away or wash away.

Given these

conditions, the 57 Rem bone dose of case DI-1 may be reduced to 18.9 Rem
(57-39.1 + 2.1 (0.45)

(the 2.1 Rem from Table 241 and 0.45 from Table 243

of NVO-140).
As to the question of whether equivalent dose reductions (equivalent to
reductions obtained through modification of the diet) could be obtained
through removal of contaminated soil, the Task Group holds the opinion that
some reduction is possible.


the magnitude of this reduction is

uncertain and can only be determined reliably through measurement of the
radionuclide content of the important food items such as pandanus and breadfruit grown in the modified condition.

This would require a research effort

to grow test plantings of the various food crops in the soil removal and
replacement areas using various fertilizers and trace minerals, and analysis

of radionuclide content of the fruit produced.

There is the possibility that

radioactivity in the fruit could be reliably predicted from analysis of
stems and leaves of young and as yet unproductive plants.
additional study.


This would require

Select target paragraph3