Although there is considerable spread

Mass-Loading Approach
method is based upon measured or

in these data, there is no indication of a
239, 2405,
preferential association of

assumed levels of particulate matter in

with a particular particle size; as would

ambient air with the assumption that this

be expected as a result of dilution by inert

material is derived from the contaminated

aerosol, the specific activity is lower


than that of the soil.

The other approximate prediction

For fresh deposits this approach is

If we assume that this is generally

not valid because the freshly deposited
debris is much more likely to be resus~

true, a general and conservative. method

pended than the remainder of the

of predicting resuspended air concentra-

weathered soil surface,

After many

trons of contaminants would be to simply

years of weathering since the initial

multiply the ambient air mass loading by

deposition, however, the contaminating

the contaminant concentration in soil,

material should be reasonably well mixed

factor of some uncertainty for a specific

with a centimeter or two of soil, such

calculation is what value to use for-the

that the contaminant activity per gram of

ambient air mass loading in the absence

airborne particulate should approximate

of specific data.

that in the upper soil.

more uncertain because of the possibility

However, a major


This becomes even

difficulty could arise if, for example,

that the people involved maybe highly

239, 2405, were preferentially associated

correlated with the source in the sense

with the smaller particle sizes more

that children playing in sand, adults cul-

likely to become airborne,

tivating crops, etc,, may generate their

For the

Nevada Test Site, such is not the case as

own ‘ambient air" which contains much

determined by soil analyses!* and by the

more mass than would be recorded by a

high-volume cascade impactor study.

remote stationary sampler,

The latter study found an AMAD of 3.0 um
for 239, 240
Pu, whereas the total mass

The lower and upper bounds of ambient

air mass loading can be fixed rather

median aerodynamic diameter was 1,7 um.

easily for any site.

There has been con-

The specific activity of the material col-

siderable interest in establishing a

lected on each stage can also be examined

"background level" of mass loading, and

for a preferential association of plutonium

this is generally believed to be about

with particle size,

10 ug/m 3 (15)

Average data from all

established in a reasonable wav by the

five samplers are:

size, um

levels found in mine atmospheres which

239, 24054, dpm/g



3.3 to 7


2.0 to 3.3


1,1 to 2.0


0.01 to 1.1


All stages



The upper bound can be

have led to a considerable prevalence of
pneumoconicsis in the affected ¥corkers >
Examination ci these data indicate that
current stundards for occupational dust

exposure {(~ 1-i0 me! im) have avery
Small, or perhaps no margin of safety,
Such that a reasonable upper bound can


be taken as 1 mg/ m*,


British data

Select target paragraph3