
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements* (NCRP)

The NCRP position is that the rational use of radiation should conform

to levels of safety to users and the public which are at least as
stringent as those achieved for other powerful agents.


and chronic exposure attributable to peaceful uses of ionizing
radiation are assumed.

The NCRP has adopted the assumption of no-threshold dose-effects

relationship and uses the term ''dose limits'' in providing guidance
on population exposures. All radiation exposures are to be kept

as low as practicable.

The numerical values of exposure as pre-

sented are to be interpreted as recommendations, not regulations.
Use of the no-threshold concept involves the thesis that there is
no exposure limit free from some degree of risk.
To establish criteria, NCRP uses the concept of ''acceptable risk"
(where the risk is compensated by a demonstrable benefit) broken

down to fit classes of individuals or population groups exposed

for various purposes to different quantities of radiation.


recommendations for dose limits are necessarily arbitrary because
of their mixed technical value-judgement foundation. The dose limits
for individual members of the public and for the average population

recommended by NCRP represent a level of risk considered to be
so small compared with other hazards of life, and so well offset

by perceptible benefits when used as intended, that public appro-

bation will be achieved when the informed public review process is

For peaceful uses of radiation, NCRP provides yearly numerical

dose limits for individual members of the public, considering

possible somatic effects, and strongly advocates maintenance of
lowest practicable exposure levels, especially for infants and the


NCRP also recommends yearly dose limits for the

average population based upon somatic and genetic considerations

and recommends the samme value as ICRP of 5 rems in 30 years for
gonadal exposure of the U.S. population. Table IfI contains a
summary of recommended values. NCRP Report No. 39 en-


‘Basic Radiation Protection Criteria, '' dated January 15,

1971, contains the most recent updating of NCRP recommendations
for protection of the public.
“Formerly known as the National Committee on Radiation Protection
and Measurements,


Select target paragraph3