the term "action level'' is recommended. In general it
will be appropriate to institute countermeasures only
when their social cost and risk will be less than those resulting

from the exposure.

Setting of action levels is the responsibility

of national authorities.

It is not desirable to expos e

members of the public to doses as

high as those considered to be acceptable for radiation workers
because children are involved, members of the public do not

make the choice to be exposed, and members of the public are
not subject to selection, supervision and monitoring, and are
exposed to the risks of their own occupations. For planning
purposes, dose limits for members of the public are seta
factor of ten below those for radiation workers.

The ICRP dose limits for individual members of the public are

presented in Table II No maximum "somatically significant"'
dose for a population is given. The genetic dose to the population

should be kept to the minimum amount consistent with necessity

and should not exceed 5 rems in 30 years from all sources other
than natural background and medical procedures. No single type
of population exposure should take up a disproportionate share

of the total of the recommended dose limit.

ICRP DOSE Limits 1/


Gonads, red

0.5 rem/yr

Skin, bone,

3.0 rems/yr 2/

Hands and forearms;
feet and ankles

7.5 rems/yr


Cther single organs

1.5 rems/yr




Genetic dose 3/



5 rems/30 yrs

1/ For conditions and qualifications see ICRP Publication 9.
2/ 1.5 rems/yr to thyroid of children up to 16 years of age.
3/ See paragraphs 84, 85, and 86, ICRP Publication 9.

Select target paragraph3