The Task Group has considered a number of concepts in devising an

approach to guidance for cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetak Atoll,

accepting some and rejecting others. Notably, the concept that AEC
recommendations should consist of a series of alternatives or fall
back positions with the degree or level of radiation exposure reduction

ultimately determined by some later deliberation based on factors
such as availability of funds was rejected. The consensus of the
Task Group opinion was that these recommendations should be

specific and unequivocal, and should establish a clear position on

whatis needed. To do less would be unfair to the Federal agencies
who have accepted responsibilities to perform the rehabilitations and to
the Enewetak people who are looking to this agency for advice.
The judgement of the Task Group is that rehabilitation must conform
with current radiation standards applicable for normal operations (not

for accidents or for radiation workers) and with good health physics

practice in implementing these standards.

A summary of current radia-

tion protection standards and material related to health risks that may be

associated with the standards reviewed and radiation criteria recommended

by the Task Group follows.

Federal Radiation Council (FRC)
Basic FRC numerical guidance and health protection philosophy

are similar to those of the ICRPand NCRP. Radiation Protection Guides (RPG's) are provided which deal with exposures

of individuals and of population groups. Actions are to be directed primarily toward control of the sources of radioactivity to

restrict entry into the environment but also toward control of
radioactive materials after entry into the environmer:t in order

to limit intake by humans.

The RPG's express the dose that

should not be exceeded without careful consideration of the

reasons for doing so. Every effort should be made to encourage
the maintenance of radiation doses as far belowthis guide as
practicable. The RPG's are intended for use with normal peacetime operations. There should be no man-made radiation exposure
without expectation of benefits from such exposure. Considering
such benefits, exposure at the level of the RPGis considered as
an acceptable risk for a lifetime. The RPG's for the population
are expressed in terms of annual exposure, except for the gonads,
where the ICRP recommended value of five rems in 30 years is


Select target paragraph3