Eniwetok Atoll.

an emergency capability for post-shot evacuation of Eniwetok

will be maintained. Such evacuation will be executed if post-shot radiological conditions indicate it is necessary, All personnel (except the firing
party) will be evacuated for some of the shots at Bikini. Only those
personnel required for the actual firing or for immediate re-ertry or early
preparatory activities will be on Enyu or Eninman or aboard ships in the

Bikini area; the balance of the personnel and equipment will be phased to

kLniwetok, Predictions as to the reestablishing of temporary camps in the
Bikini area after the first shot cannot be made at this time; therefore
project personnel must be prepared to live aboard ships subsequent to the
first shot if necessary. Limited laboratory, shop and office space will be




provided aboard Navy Task Group vessels. Temporary (tent) laboratory space
may be furpished on Eninman Island (Tare) during the operational period prior

to the

shot, providing this space is essential to the project and

that the”project cannot use laboratory space at iniwetok (larry) or eboerd
ship. It is noped that it will not be necessary to evacuate cny matcrial

beyond the limite of Bikini Atoll for protective purposes, excent for the

last Bikini shot.


E, The construction phase mst be completed by 1 January 1954. To
meet this completion date the following lead times must be met in order of

Design — 1 month

Procurement ~ 2 months

Shipping - 2 months

Construction — 4 months

It is therefore imperative that the submission of the respective project's
construction requirements be given the highest priority. As much material
as possible will be evacuated to Eniwetok prior to the first shot.


and material required for post shot re-entry will be evacuated by LST's and


F. It is expected that the. following commnications facilities will be
available for Task Group 7.1 use:



Communication Center, Parry Island (Elmer) with the following


Direct teletype circuits to Bikini, Kwajalein, Honolulu,


TWX and voice circuits to Bikini and Kwajelein.


Land line or 4N/AnC teletype and telephone circuits to


Crypto facilities.

and Los slamose


Eniwetok and 4.CS Bikini will probably be linked by an air control voice


major vessels in the vicinity of Eniwetok and Bikini.




Select target paragraph3