James L.



The only serious effort to communicate with the Marshallese on

the general subject of radiological contamination and radiation

Ss lace


has been made by SSC. The enclosed booklet on Enewetak,


printed in both Marshallese and English, is the first of a planned
series that explains in simple terms the radiological problems
unique to a particular Pacific atoll.
Though research and medical

-PPllowup projects have been supported by AEC/ERDA for many years,

here has been a lack of timely information in Marshallese on
these activities in the Pacificg that would serve to educate the
people, so they can understand the purposes of the medical and re-

search programs and the significance of results obtained.

The greatest need within ERDA relative to health and safety of

the Marshallese is for better planning and program definition
within AES supported activities.
However, the programs of SSC

and BER must continue to be maintained as separate operations
because of reasons cited in 1. above. Also, recent experience

where medical staff were refused entry by residents of an atoll
while radiological survey activities were allowed to proceed
another clear indication that radiological followup activities

have to be decoupled from research and medical work to the extent
possible until che people's objections can be resolved and better
understanding obtained.

It will be difficult if not impossible for a resident "scientific

manager" to provide management or coordination function relative

to radiological safety responsibilities.

Acritical part of the

job is liaison with the Headquarters of other agencies having

cleanup and rehabilitation responsibilities. If decisions on resettlement are dependentupon researchg yet to be performed, then
resettlement should be discontinued.

Otherwise, ERDA could be

accused of acting prematurely in recommending resettlement of the

test atolls.
Assessments of projected radiation doses for various
groups of Marshallese are performed by laboratories based in the

mainland. They also conduct field surveys and analyze collected
samples. Recommended radiation criteria for cleanup of atolls and
for evaluations of effectiveness of restrictions and precautions

for control of exposures were developed in close coordination with

EPA and other responsible agencies.

Interpretation and application

of these guidelines cannot be made without careful coordination
with these groups.



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